The Saucy Chronicles
Here are accounts of our travels, barbecue restaurant reviews, tall tales, humor, helpful advice, and pearls of wisdom––you get the idea––a grab bag of assorted crap. Return often for fresh nibbles that’ll entertain and enlighten you. But we recommend you do the smart thing and subscribe to our free delivery service below. We’ll deliver new content piping hot to your email box.
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Trailheads Riverwalk without Riverdancing, Then Pig-out At Mr. Pig's Smokehouse
Elvis And Fio Make A Friend, And Trailheads Stop Putting On La-Di-Da Airs
Trailheads Have Been Working On The Railroad, And Make Tracks To Jim N’ Nicks Bar-B-Q
Rocky Mountain Guests Join Trailheads for Bamboo And Korean Barbecue.
Trailheads Become Rock Stars in Lithonia, Celebrate in Decatur.
Trailheads Trek Around Confederate Monument, Then Attack Tucker For Smoked Meats
TrailHeads Trek Through Asbestos Site, Dogs Consider Lawsuit, Brad Gets Five Ribs
Elvis Protests, Trailheads Comply, Then Go To Alpharetta For Barbecue
Trailheads Proclaim Greater Good Exceptionally Excellent
Trailheads Go Whole Hog Wild For Rodney Scott’s BBQ
In Dahlonega, The Barbecue Is Golden
Hogging The Sauce